Spirits of Place

«Spirits of Place»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:


Spirits of Place

первое издание

Язык издания: английский


Daily Grail Publishing, 2016 г. (ноябрь)

ISBN: 0-994-61763-1, 978-0-994-61763-7

Тип обложки: мягкая

Страниц: 306


Esseys by twelve authors about places where they themselves have encountered, and consulted with.


  1. Gazelle Amber Valentine. I Have Trod Such Haunted Land (эссе)
  2. Maria J. Pérez Cuervo. The Palace Built Over a Hellmouth (эссе)
  3. Warren Ellis. A Compendium of Tides (эссе)
  4. Kristine Ong Muslim. Agonies and Enchantments (эссе)
  5. Vajra Chandrasekera. The Great Mongoose (эссе)
  6. Joanne Parker. Death Imitating Art At Castle an Dinas (эссе)
  7. Mark Pesce. Malleus Speculis (эссе)
  8. Bryndís Björgvinsdóttir. Becoming Elf — Becoming Witch (эссе)
  9. Iain Sinclair. Palermo Deathtrip (эссе)
  10. Silvia Moreno-Garcia. City of Palaces, City of Ghosts (эссе)
  11. Damien Patrick Williams. Stealing the Light to Write By (эссе)
  12. Alan Moore. Coal Memory (эссе)

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