«The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, September 1988»
Язык издания: английский
1988 г. (сентябрь)
Тираж: не указан
Формат: 80х108/32 (130х190 мм)
Страниц: 164
- P. E. Cunningham. The Son of Walks Through Fire (novelet), р. 6-23
- Algis Budrys. An Essay on Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988) (essay), р. 26-32
- Orson Scott Card. Books to Look For (review), р. 32-36
- Russell Griffin. Planesong (short story), р. 38-52
- Marion Zimmer Bradley. The Malice of the Demon (short story), р. 53-56
- John M. Landsberg. Conditioning (short story), р. 57-63
- Harlan Ellison. Installment 31: In Which The Li'l White Lies Thesis (Part Three) Approaches A Nascent State, Approaches The Dreadful Door, And En Route Questions Meat Idolatry (essay), р. 64-70
- Jessie Thompson. Snowfall (short story), р. 71-75
- Ron Goulart. House of Secrets (short story), р. 76-90
- Phyllis Eisenstein. Beyond the Red Lord's Reach (serial conclusion), р. 91-137
- Isaac Asimov. The Slave of the Lamp (essay), р. 138-147
- Rudy Rucker and Paul Di Filippo. Instability (short story), р. 148-161
На обложке журнала иллюстрация к рассказу П. Э. Каннингем.
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