Isaac Asimov s Science ...

«Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, January 1979»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, January 1979

Язык издания: английский

1979 г. (январь)

Страниц: 196



  1. Isaac Asimov. Editorial: The Hugo (статья, иллюстрации К. Фриса), p. 6-10
  2. On Books, p. 12-17
    1. Charles N. Brown. Review: Sight of Proteus by Charles Sheffield (рецензия)
    2. Charles N. Brown. Review: Symbiote's Crown by Scott Baker (рецензия)
    3. Charles N. Brown. Review: Beloved Son by George Turner (рецензия)
    4. Charles N. Brown. Review: The Avatar by Poul Anderson (рецензия)
    5. Charles N. Brown. Review: Saint Camber by Katherine Kurtz (рецензия)
    6. Charles N. Brown. Review: Confederation Matador by J. F. Bone (рецензия)
    7. Charles N. Brown. Review: Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin (рецензия)
    8. Charles N. Brown. Review: What Happened to Emily Goode After the Great Exhibition by Raylyn Moore (рецензия)
    9. Charles N. Brown. Review: Some Will Not Die by Algis Budrys (рецензия)
    10. Charles N. Brown. Review: Speaking of Science Fiction by Paul Walker (рецензия)
    11. Charles N. Brown. Review: The Science Fiction and Heroic Fantasy Author Index by Stuart W. Wells, III (рецензия)
    12. Charles N. Brown. Review: The Second Book of Virgil Finlay by Virgil Finlay (рецензия)
    13. Charles N. Brown. Review: Sidney H. Sime: Master of Fantasy by Sidney H. Sime (рецензия)
  3. Erwin S. Strauss. The SF Conventional Calendar (заметка), p. 21
  4. Barry B. Longyear. The Second Law (рассказ, иллюстрации Д. Гоэна), p. 24-54
  5. Martin Gardner. Exploring Carter's Crater (микрорассказ), p. 55-56
  6. Solution to Postage Stamps of Philo Tate, p. 56
  7. Ginger Kaderabek. Vincent Di Fate (статья), p. 57-62
  8. The First Solution to Exploring Carter's Crater, p. 63
  9. To Magazine Retailers (заметка), p. 63
  10. James Gunn. On the Road to Science Fiction: From Wells to Heinlein (статья, иллюстрации Алекса Шомбурга), p. 64-81
  11. The Second Solution to Exploring Carter's Crater, p. 81
  12. Melisa Michaels. In the Country of the Blind, No One Can See (рассказ, иллюстрации К. Кофоеда), p. 82-99
  13. Jon L. Breen. The Last Gothic (рассказ, иллюстрации Ф. Борта), p. 100-108
  14. Jeanne Dillard. The Castaways (микрорассказ, иллюстрации Ф. Фоглио), p. 109-111
  15. The Third Solution to Exploring Carter's Crater, p. 111
  16. Ron Goulart. Garbage (рассказ, иллюстрации Д. Картер), p. 112-127
  17. Ted Reynolds. Ker-Plop (повесть, иллюстрации В. Ди Фейта), p. 128-184
  18. Letters (письма), p. 185-191
    1. Keith Minnion. «Dear Mr. Scithers: so much is said about overworked themes...» (письмо), p. 185-186
    2. R. & J. Gordon. "Sir: whatever others will do..." (письмо), p. 186-187
    3. Beverley J. Wood. "Dear Mr. Scithers, good as the other issues are..." (письмо), p. 187
    4. Mario Milosevic. "Dear Mr. Scithers, May-June '78 was probably your best issue so far..." (письмо), p. 188
    5. David E. Siegel. "Dear Doctor and Gentle Editor..." (письмо), p. 188-189
    6. Paul Adams. "Dear George: I love it!" (письмо), p. 189
    7. The George. "Dear Mr. Scithers: after receiving this third..." (письмо), p. 190
    8. William H. Zipfel. "Dear Mr. Scithers, as a teacher of English..." (письмо), p. 190-191
    9. Garth Spencer. "Dear Sir; several science-fiction authors..." (письмо), p. 191

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