Isaac Asimov s Science ...

«Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, October 1979»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, October 1979

Язык издания: английский

1979 г. (октябрь)

Страниц: 196


Issue 20.

Cover art by George Barr; interior art by Frank Kelly Freas, Val Lakey, Karl Kofoed, Tim Kirk, Janet Aulisio, George Barr.


  1. Isaac Asimov. Editorial: The Scientist As Villain (статья, иллюстрации К. Фриса), p. 6-9
  2. On Books, p. 10-16
    1. Baird Searles. Review: Macrolife by George Zebrowski (рецензия)
    2. Baird Searles. Review: Electric Forest by Tanith Lee (рецензия)
    3. Baird Searles. Review: Bander Snatch by Kevin O'Donnell, Jr. (рецензия)
    4. Baird Searles. Review: The Merman's Children by Poul Anderson (рецензия)
    5. Baird Searles. Review: A Wizard in Bedlam by Christopher Stasheff (рецензия)
    6. Baird Searles. Review: Pretender by Piers Anthony and Frances Hall (рецензия)
    7. Baird Searles. Review: Act of Providence by Joseph Payne Brennan and Donald M. Grant (рецензия)
  3. John M. Ford. Mandalay (рассказ, иллюстрации В. Лейки), p. 19-46
  4. Martin Gardner. On Oulipo Algorithms, Anagrams, and Other Nonsense (статья), p. 47-48
  5. Sandra Miesel. On Commissioned Imaginations (статья, иллюстрации К. Фриса), p. 49-73
  6. Solution to On Oulipo Algorithms, Anagrams, and Other Nonsense, p. 73
  7. Somtow Sucharitkul. A Day in Mallworld (рассказ, иллюстрации К. Кофоеда), p. 75-95
  8. Peter Payack. The Mover (стихотворение), p. 96-97
  9. Second Solution to On Oulipo Algorithms, Anagrams, and Other Nonsense, p. 97
  10. Grendel Briarton. Through Time & Space with Ferdinand Feghoot!!!!! (микрорассказ, иллюстрации Т. Кирка), p. 99
  11. L. E. Modesitt, Jr. Iron Man, Plastic Ships (рассказ, иллюстрации В. Лейки), p. 100-126
  12. Stephanie K. Lang. Rebuttal3 To $tar War$ (стихотворение), p. 126
  13. Jean S. Moore. Degraded! (рассказ, иллюстрации Д. Аулизио), p. 127-134
  14. Barry B. Longyear. Blasterfight at the P.U. Corral (стихотворение), p. 134
  15. Tol E. Rant. Where a Star Is a Ship or When Is a Micron a Parsec? or When Is TV Going to Start Hiring Science Fiction Writers? (стихотворение), p. 134
  16. Erwin S. Strauss. The SF Conventional Calendar (заметка), p. 135
  17. Barry B. Longyear. Homecoming (повесть, иллюстрации Дж. Барра), p. 137-179
  18. Henry Clark. How True (стихотворение), p. 179
  19. Letters (письма), p. 180-191
    1. David E. Bushard. "Dear Gentlemen, ordinarily my sales resistance is very good..." (письмо), p. 180
    2. Jonathan D. Schmid. "Dear Mr. Scithers, after discovering the first issue of IA'sfm..." (письмо), p. 180-181
    3. Frederick P. Allen. "Dear Mr. Scithers; I have been reading your magazine..." (письмо), p. 181
    4. Pamela A. Smith. "Dear Doctor Asimov, I must admit that your delectable face..." (письмо), p. 181-182
    5. Sharon Richards. "Dear Dr. Asimov, I have just read my third issue of IA'sfm..." (письмо), p. 182-183
    6. David R. Gerhardt. "Dear Dr. Asimov, the April 1979 issue of your magazine..." (письмо), p. 183
    7. Barry B. Longyear. «Dear George, I don't know what it takes to get into your letters to the editor column...» (письмо), p. 184
    8. Daniel Safford, Jr. "Dear Dr. Asimov: I have just finished the March issue..." (письмо), p. 184-185
    9. Gwen Lubey. "Dear Mr. Scithers and Dr. Asimov: generally I begin a new issue..." (письмо), p. 185
    10. Dee D. Atkinson. "Dear Mr. Scithers: I have wanted for some time to write and say..." (письмо), p. 185-186
    11. Keith Minnion. «Dear Mr. Scithers: I recently received the March 1979 issue...» (письмо), p. 187
    12. Wes Brzozowski. "Mr. Scithers and Dr. Asimov, as one who enjoys science fiction..." (письмо), p. 187-188
    13. Arnold Vander Woude. "Dear Mr. Scithers and Dr. Asimov, my sincere congratulations..." (письмо), p. 188-189
    14. Elaine Shizkowski. "Dear Dr. Asimov, I am a devout fan of science fiction..." (письмо), p. 189
    15. Gary McDole. "Dear Dr. Asimov and Mr. Scithers; In the March 1979 issue of IA'sfm..." (письмо), p. 189-190
    16. Will Briggs. "Dear Mr. Scithers: Could you please lay off on the sex?" (письмо), p. 190
    17. Bob Johnson. "Dear Mr. Scithers and Dr. Asimov: I have been reading IA'sfm..." (письмо), p. 191

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