Gary Westfahl An Alien ...

Gary Westfahl «An Alien Abroad: Science Fiction Columns from Interzone»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:

An Alien Abroad: Science Fiction Columns from Interzone

авторский сборник, первое издание

Язык издания: английский

Rockville (MD): Wildside Press, 2016 г.

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: 978-1-4794-0803-0

Тип обложки: мягкая

Формат: другой

Страниц: 264


This book contains the thirty-eight bimonthly columns for the British science fiction magazine Interzone, lightly revised to improve some phrasing and to include page numbers and sources for quotations; there is also one new column written especially for this volume.

Cover art: 13D_VR / Fotolia.


  1. Gary Westfahl. Introduction (статья), с. 7-9
  2. Gary Westfahl. Why the Stars Are Silent: The Decline and Fall of the Science Fiction Monomyth (And, Incidentally, the Human Race) (статья), с. 10-19
  3. Gary Westfahl. Greyer Lensmen, or Looking Backward in Anger (статья), с. 20-27
  4. Gary Westfahl. Cremators of Science Fiction, 1 and 2: Brian Stableford and John Clute (статья), с. 28-35
  5. Gary Westfahl. Point and Cringe: A Non-Innovative, Non-Interactive Column (статья), с. 36-41
  6. Gary Westfahl. The Sky Is Appalling, Or, Go to Bed, Jeremy, An Asteroid Isn't Going to Land on Our House Tonight (статья), с. 42-47
  7. Gary Westfahl. Did Alien Astronauts Make the Shroud of Turin? (статья), с. 48-53
  8. Gary Westfahl. Unlucky Starr and the Omission of Venus (статья), с. 54-60
  9. Gary Westfahl. Janeways and Thaneways: The Better Half, and Worse Half, of Science Fiction Television (статья), с. 61-66
  10. Gary Westfahl. The Nine Billion Names of Fantasy... And an Encyclopedia of Other Concerns (статья), с. 67-72
  11. Gary Westfahl. Pastwonder: The Redemption of Orson Scott Card (статья), с. 73-78
  12. Gary Westfahl. «'Scuse Me While I Kiss the Sky»: An Open Letter to a Young Science Fiction Scholar (статья), с. 79-83
  13. Gary Westfahl. A Modem Utopia, Or, Why Allison's Boring Daddy Hopes the Machine Doesn't Stop (статья), с. 84-89
  14. Gary Westfahl. Big Dumb Opticals: Film Considered As the Motion Pyramid (статья), с. 90-95
  15. Gary Westfahl. A Christmas Cavil, or, It's a Plunderful Life (статья), с. 96-101
  16. Gary Westfahl. The Sound of the City... and the Call of the Cosmos (статья), с. 102-107
  17. Gary Westfahl. What Is a Science Fiction Magazine? (And Why on Earth Are They Still Around?) (статья), с. 108-113
  18. Gary Westfahl. Prehistory Lessons (статья), с. 114-119
  19. Gary Westfahl. The Anthology on the Edge of Forever (статья), с. 120-124
  20. Gary Westfahl. America's Dumbest Columnist, Or, The Remarking Moron (статья), с. 125-130
  21. Gary Westfahl. Robert A. Heinlein's 2001: A Space Odyssey (статья), с. 131-135
  22. Gary Westfahl. Talking to Aliens — and to Ourselves (статья), с. 136-144
  23. Gary Westfahl. The Three Most Important Reasons Why Gary Westfahl Doesn't Compile Science Fiction Lists (статья), с. 145-150
  24. Gary Westfahl. Martians Old and New, Still Standing Over Us (статья), с. 151-156
  25. Gary Westfahl. Going Where Lots of People Have Gone Before, or, The Novels Science Fiction Readers Don't See (статья), с. 157-161
  26. Gary Westfahl. Poul Anderson and the Human Crusade (статья), с. 162-167
  27. Gary Westfahl. Claremont, California: Notes from the Home Front (статья), с. 168-173
  28. Gary Westfahl. Celebrating a Century of Science Fiction Columns with A Trip to the Moon (статья), с. 174-179
  29. Gary Westfahl. Sector General: The Next Generation? (статья), с. 180-185
  30. Gary Westfahl. Why Science Fiction Fears the Future (статья), с. 186-191
  31. Gary Westfahl. The History of Heinlein's Future (статья), с. 192-200
  32. Gary Westfahl. The End of Science Fiction's Childhood (статья), с. 201-206
  33. Gary Westfahl. Rules for Robots: Version 1.0 (статья), с. 207-213
  34. Gary Westfahl. Who Didn't Kill Horror (статья), с. 214-219
  35. Gary Westfahl. In Search of Dismal Science Fiction (статья), с. 220-225
  36. Gary Westfahl. Why Science Fiction (Thank Goodness!) Still Doesn't Get Any Respect (статья), с. 226-231
  37. Gary Westfahl, David Pringle. Fellow Travelers: Jules Verne and J.G. Ballard (статья), с. 232-237
  38. Gary Westfahl. The Odds Against Tomorrow, or, How I Spent My Summer Vacation (статья), с. 238-243
  39. Gary Westfahl. Surprising Sci-Fi Soul Brothers, Part Two: Robert A. Heinlein and Philip K. Dick (статья), с. 244-248
  40. Gary Westfahl. Big Themes, Obscured by Small Screens, or, Space Opera Versus Soap Opera (статья), с. 249-255
  41. Works Cited, с. 256-263


Размер книги: 15х23 см.

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