«Clive Barker's Shadows in Eden»
первое издание
Язык издания: английский
Составитель: Stephen Jones
San Francisco: Underwood-Miller, 1991 г. (октябрь)
ISBN: 0-88733-073-8
Тип обложки:
+ суперобложка
Страниц: 480
- Stephen King. You Are Here Because You Want the Real Thing (статья)
- Ramsey Campbell. Weaver of Wonders (статья)
- Clive Barker. Introduction (статья)
- Stephen Jones. Clive Barker: Anarchic Prince of Horror (эссе)
- Douglas E. Winter. Give Me B Movies or Give Me Death! (эссе)
- Juliet Warman. Little House of Horrors: Master of Gore Lives It Up on Blood Money (эссе)
- Clive Barker, Dennis Etchison. A Little Bit of Hamlet (интервью)
- Clive Barker. Stephen King: Surviving the Ride (эссе)
- Rodney Burbeck. Some Harsh Words for the Critics From Ballard and Barker (эссе)
- Clive Barker. Ramsey Campbell: An Appreciation (эссе)
- John Brosnan. Terror Tactics (статья)
- David Streitfeld. Who's Afraid of Clive Barker? The Titan of Terror and His Studies in Dread Reckoning (эссе)
- Clive Barker. The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe (рецензия)
- Peter Atkins. A Dog's Tale (эссе)
- Anne Billson. Hell Hound (эссе)
- Ramsey Campbell. Introduction (статья)
- Michael A. Morrison. The Delights of Dread: Clive Barker's First Three Books of Blood (эссе)
- Michael A. Morrison. Monsters, Miracles, and Revelations: Clive Barker's Tales of Transformation (The Second Three Books of Blood) (эссе)
- Clive Barker, Philip Nutman, Stefan Jaworzyn. Meet Clive Barker (интервью)
- Clive Barker, Stanley Wiater. Horror in Print: Clive Barker (интервью)
- Clive Barker, Leanne C. Harper. Clive Barker: Renaissance Hellraiser (интервью)
- Clive Barker, Douglas E. Winter. Talking Terror With Clive Barker (интервью)
- Clive Barker, Lisa Tuttle. Every Fear is a Desire (интервью)
- Gary Hoppenstand. From Here to Quiddity: Clive Barker's The Great and Secret Show (эссе)
- Clive Barker. Big Chills (статья)
- Philip Nutman. Gangsters vs. Mutants (эссе)
- Alan Jones. Blood and Cheap Thrills (эссе)
- Kim Newman. Slime Time (статья)
- Neil Gaiman. King of the Gory Tellers (эссе)
- Douglas E. Winter. Raising Hell with Clive Barker (эссе)
- Joe Bob Briggs. Sex in the Attic with Devilhead Slime (эссе)
- Nigel Floyd. Clive Barker: Hellraiser (эссе)
- Alan Jones. See You in Hell, Darling (эссе)
- Edwin Pouncey. Go Straight to Hell (эссе)
- Peter Atkins. Hellbound: Bringing it to Light (статья)
- Clive Barker. Introduction (статья)
- Nigel Floyd. Frights of Fancy (эссе)
- Clive Barker, Peter Atkins. Hell Raisers (статья)
- Clive Barker. Introduction (статья)
- Clive Barker, Neil Gaiman. Flame On! (интервью)
- Clive Barker. Foreword: Swamp Thing (статья)
- Mark Salisbury. Die Laughing! Clive Barker in Conversation with Tim Burton (эссе)
- Clive Barker. The Bare Bones: An Introduction (статья)
- Clive Barker, G. Dair. Eroticizing the World (интервью)
- Clive Barker. To See or Not To See (статья)
- Clive Barker. On Censorship (эссе)
- Clive Barker, Lionel Gracey-Whitman, Don Melia. Beneath the Blanket of Banality (интервью)
- Stephen Jones. Clive Barker: A Working Bibliography (произведение (прочее))
- Clive Barker. Shadows in Eden (статья)
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