Jonathan Maberry David F ...

Jonathan Maberry, David F. Kramer «They Bite: Endless Cravings of Supernatural Predators»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:


They Bite: Endless Cravings of Supernatural Predators

авторская книга, первое издание

Язык издания: английский

New York: Citadel Press, 2009 г. (сентябрь)

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: 0-8065-2820-6, 978-0-8065-2820-5

Тип обложки: мягкая

Формат: другой

Страниц: 396


Cover art by Jason Beam.


  1. Jonathan Maberry, David F. Kramer. They Bite: Endless Cravings of Supernatural Predators (энциклопедия/справочник)

    1. Acknowledgments, c. xiii-xiii 
    2. Introduction: The Nature of the Beast, c. xv-xix 
    3. 1. They Thirst: Vampires in All Their Guises, c. 1-126 
      1. More Than Blood 
      2. Story and Myth 
      3. The Allure of the Vampire 
      4. Digging Up the Truth 
      5. The Family of the Fang: Vampires Around the World 
    4. 2. They Hunt: Hell Hounds and Monster Dogs, c. 127-151 
      1. Bad Dog! 
      2. Monster Dogs 
      3. Monster Dogs in Pop Culture 
      4. Monster Dogs in Folklore 
    5. 3. They Howl: Werewolves and Wolf-Men, c. 152-184 
      1. The Big Bad 
      2. The Werewolf Variations 
      3. Werewolves in Pop Culture 
      4. Werewolves in Folklore
    6. 4. They Hide: Cryptids and the Science of Cryptozoology, с. 185-237 
      1. Something Is Out There 
      2. Cryptids Around the World
    7. 5. They Haunt: The Unquiet Dead, с. 238-268
      1. Ghost of a Tale 
      2. Pop-Culture Poltergeists 
      3. A Darker Shade of Pale
    8. 6. They Defile: Hellfire and Demons, с. 269-299 
      1. Demonology 101 
      2. Demons and Fallen Angels
    9. 7. They Deceive: Tricksters and Seducers, с. 300-323 
      1. Weird and Wicked 
      2. Dead Sexy: Succubi, Incubi, and Their Ilk 
      3. Tricksters: Jokers in the Pack
    10. 8. They Kill: A Miscellany of Monsters, с. 324-371 
      1. Just Plain Weird 
      2. Monsters in Storytelling
      3. The Bestiary
    11. About the Authors, с. 373-373


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