Pablo Hidalgo
Star Wars: The Essential Reader's Companion
авторская книга, первое издание
Язык издания: английский
New York: Del Rey, 2012 г. (октябрь)
Тираж: не указан
ISBN: 978-0-345-51119-5
Тип обложки:
Формат: другой
Страниц: 496
Companion spans the entire galaxy of published «Star Wars» fiction movie novelizations, original stand alone and series novels, short stories, eBook novellas, young adult titles, and comics.
Cover art by Paul Youll.
Illustrated by Jeff Carlisle, Joe Corroney, Brian Rood, Chris Scalf, Darren Tan, Chris Trevas.
- Pablo Hidalgo. Star Wars: The Essential Reader's Companion (энциклопедия/справочник)
- Introduction, c. vii-ix
- Chapter 1: Tales of Ancient Jedi and Sith, с. 2-27
- Chapter 2: Height of the Republic, с. 28-73
- Chapter 3: The Clone Wars, с. 74-121
- Chapter 4: The Dark Times, с. 122-177
- Chapter 5: The Galactic Civil War, с. 178-245
- Chapter 6: The New Republic, с. 246-367
- Chapter 7: The New Jedi Order, с. 368-415
- Chapter 8: Legacy, с. 416-469
- Appendix A. Works in Publication Order, с. 471-476
- Appendix B. Works by Author, с. 477-484
- Acknowledgments, c. 485-485
- About the Author, c. 486-486
- About the Illustrators, c. 486-486
Размер книги: 18,6х23 см.
Информация об издании предоставлена: teron