John Lawlor C S Lewis ...

John Lawlor «C.S. Lewis: Memories and Reflections»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:

C.S. Lewis: Memories and Reflections

авторская книга, первое издание

Язык издания: английский

Dallas (TX): Spence Publishing Company, 1998 г.

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: 1-890626-08-2, 978-1-890626-08-2

Тип обложки: твёрдая + суперобложка

Формат: другой

Страниц: 148


From his rare vantage point as Lewis's student, friend, and professional colleague, Professor John Lawlor recalls Lewis «in his habit as he lived». He offers an unforgettable account of studying under Lewis and an enchanting depiction of undergraduate life at Oxford between the wars. To round out his picture, Lawlor draws on the recollections of other associates of Lewis, including a close comparison with J.R.R. Tolkien.

Jacket design by Stephen J. Ott.


  1. John Lawlor. C.S. Lewis: Memories and Reflections (документальное произведение)

    1. List of Illustration, c. ix-ix
    2. Walter Hooper. Foreword, c. xi-xii
    3. Preface, c. xiii-xiv
    4. Part I. Memories
      1. 1. The Tutor, c. 3-13
      2. 2. Magdalen, 1936-1939, c. 14-23
      3. 3. Oxford, 1946 and After, c. 24-46
    5. Part II. Reflections
      1. 4. Interplanetary Voyaging, c. 49-65
      2. 5. Myth and Magic, c. 66-83
      3. 6. Reason and Romanticism, c. 84-95
      4. 7. The Writer as Scholar, c. 96-121
    6. Postscript, c. 122-126
    7. Index, c. 127-132
    8. A Note on the Author, c. 133-133


Размер книги: 144x221 мм.

Между страницами 46 и 47 есть вкладка из 6 страниц ч/б иллюстраций.

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