Joel Engel Rod Serling The ...

Joel Engel «Rod Serling: The Dreams and Nightmares of Life in the Twilight Zone: A Biography»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:

Rod Serling: The Dreams and Nightmares of Life in the Twilight Zone: A Biography

авторская книга, первое издание

Язык издания: английский

Chicago-New York: Contemporary Books, 1989 г. (ноябрь)

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: 0-8092-4538-8

Тип обложки: твёрдая + суперобложка

Формат: другой

Страниц: 366


A biography of Rod Serling, creator of «The Twilight Zone».

Jacket design by Georgene Sainati.

Jacket photographs by Dan Cotton.

Author photograph by Fran Engel.


  1. Joel Engel. Rod Serling: The Dreams and Nightmares of Life in the Twilight Zone: A Biography (документальное произведение)

    1. Acknowledgments, c. ix- ix
    2. Prologue, c. 1-2
    3. 1. Walking Distance, c. 3-30
    4. 2. Requiem for a Boy, c. 31-63
    5. 3. A Moth to a Flame, c. 64-91
    6. 4. Slave to a Bitch Goddess, c. 92-140
    7. 5. A Thousand Dollars a Week, c. 141-185
    8. 6. Another Dimension, c. 186-252
    9. 7. Seasons to be Wary, c. 253-311
    10. 8. Last Stop, c. 312-342
    11. Epilogue, c. 343-344
    12. Methodology and Sources, c. 345-349
    13. Notes, c. 350-353


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