Язык издания: английский
1989 г.
Тираж: не указан
Страниц: 104
«The cover picture, «Robot Window Cleaner», is by Stella Hender, from the collection of poems and parodies of sf and fantasy by K.V. Bailey called Distant Music (Alderney, 1987)» stated on back.
- Edward James. Editorial (произведение (прочее)), с. 3-4
- Features
- Mark Siegel. Love Was the Plan, the Plan Was...: A True Story About James Tiptree, Jr. (статья), с. 5-13
- K. V. Bailey. To Boldly See...: Iconicity in Science Fiction and Fantasy (статья), с. 14-26
- Gary K. Wolfe. Rogue Knight: Harlan Ellison in the Men's Magazines (статья), с. 26-32
- Kazuko Yamada. SF and Theatre: An Interview with Darko Suvin (интервью), с. 33-41
- Laura Kranzler. Frankenstein and the Technological Future (статья), с. 42-49
- Jaroslav Olša, Jr. Bibliography of Czech Science Fiction in English Translation: A Supplement (энциклопедия/справочник), с. 50-54
- Foundation Forum
- Juha K. Tapio. On Science Fiction, Alienation, Infinity and the Sublime: So What's All the Fuss About? (статья), с. 55-60
- Letters
- David Wingrove. Letter: On Feeley and Pedersen (произведение (прочее)), с. 60-61
- George Slusser. Letter: Robu and the Sublime (произведение (прочее)), с. 61-62
- Simon Ings. Letter: Slusser and the Ill-Natured (произведение (прочее)), с. 62-64
- George Slusser. Letter: Ings and the Defence (произведение (прочее)), с. 64-64
- Reviews
- John Clute. Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, Third Edition ed. by Neil Barron (рецензия), с. 65-67
- Colin Greenland. Origins of Futuristic Fiction by Paul K. Alkon (рецензия), с. 67-68
- Rachel Pollack. Dawn by Octavia Butler (рецензия), с. 68-71
- Angus Taylor. Prelude to Foundation by Isaac Asimov (рецензия), с. 71-72
- Gregory Feeley. Bones of the Moon and Voice of Our Shadow by Jonathan Carroll (рецензия), с. 72-75
- David V. Barrett. The Hour of the Thin Ox by Colin Greenland (рецензия), с. 75-76
- Paul Kincaid. Best SF Stories by Brian W. Aldiss (рецензия), с. 77-78
- Ian Watson. On Stranger Tides by Tim Powers (рецензия), с. 78-80
- John Baxter. Matilda at the Speed of Light by Damien Broderick (рецензия), с. 80-81
- Stef Lewicki. Philip K. Dick by Douglas A. Mackey (рецензия), с. 82-83
- Mike Christie. Putting Out by Neil Ferguson (рецензия), с. 83-84
- Gwyneth Jones. Unicorn Mountain by Michael Bishop (рецензия), с. 84-87
- Paul Kincaid. Days Between Stations by Steve Erickson (рецензия), с. 87-88
- John Clute. Unquenchable Fire by Rachel Pollack (рецензия), с. 88-89
- Rachel Pollack. Scudder's Game by D. G. Compton (рецензия), с. 89-91
- Edward James. The Fire Worm and Whores of Babylon by Ian Watson (рецензия), с. 91-94
- David V. Barrett. Tales from the Forbidden Planet ed. by Roz Kaveney (рецензия), с. 94-95
- J*hn Cl*te. The Dragonhiker's Guide to Battlefield Covenant at Dune's Edge: Odyssey Two by David Langford (рецензия), с. 95-96
- Paul Kincaid. The Digging Leviathan and Land of Dreams by James P. Blaylock (рецензия), с. 96-97
- More Letters
- Robert A. W. Lowndes. Letter: Blish and VAPA (произведение (прочее)), с. 97-98
- David Ketterer. Letter: Robu and His Predecessors (произведение (прочее)), с. 98-98
- Alan Scott. Letter: Slusser and English Literature, с. 98-99
- Edward James. Report from the SFF, 1988 (произведение (прочее)), с. 99-100
Размер журнала: 14,7 х21 см.
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