Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle ...

Harriet Beecher Stowe «Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly. Volume II»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+

Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly. Volume II

авторский сборник, часть собрания сочинений

Язык издания: английский


Серия: The Writings of Harriet Beecher Stowe. Riverside Edition (In Sixteen Volumes)

ISBN отсутствует

Тип обложки: твёрдая

Страниц: 474


Volume II


  1. Harriet Beecher Stowe. Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly (роман)
    1. XXII. The Grass withereth — the Flower fadeth
    2. XXIII. Henrique
    3. XXIV. Foreshadowings
    4. XXV. The Little Evangelist
    5. XXVI. Death
    6. XXVII. «This is the Last of Earth»
    7. XXVIII. Reunion
    8. XXIX. The Unprotected
    9. XXX. The Slave Warehouse
    10. XXXI. The Middle Passage
    11. XXXII. Dark Places
    12. XXXIII. Cassy
    13. XXXIV. The Quadroon'b Story
    14. XXXV. The Tokens
    15. XXXVI. Emmeline and Cassy
    16. XXXVII. Liberty
    17. XXXVIII. The Victory
    18. XXXIX. The Stratagem
    19. XL. The Martyr
    20. XLI. The Young Master
    21. XLII. An Authentic Ghost Story
    22. XLIII. Results
    23. XLIV. The Liberator
    24. XLV. Concluding Remarks
  2. Harriet Beecher Stowe. A Key to Uncle's Tom Cabin (произведение (прочее))
    1. Preface
    2. Part I
      1. Chap. I
      2. II. Mr. Haley
      3. III. Mr. and Mrs. Shelby
      4. IV. George Harris
      5. V. Eliza
      6. VI. Uncle Tom
      7. VII. Miss Ophelia
      8. VIII. Marie St. Clare
      9. IX. St. Clare
      10. X. Legree
      11. XI. Select Incidents of Lawful Trade
      12. XII. Topsy
      13. XIII. The Quakers
      14. XIV. The Spirit of St. Clare
    3. Part II
      1. Chap. I
      2. II. What is Slavery?
      3. III. Souther v. The Commonwealth — the ne plus ultra of Legal Humanity
      4. IV. Protective Statutes
      5. V. Protective Acts of South Carolina and Louisiana — The Iron Collar of Louisiana and North Carolina
      6. VI. Protective Acts with regard to Food and Raiment, Labor, etc.
      7. VII. The Execution of Justice
      8. VIII. The Good Old Times
      9. IX. Moderate Correction and Accidental Death — State v. Castleman
      10. X. Principles Established. — State v. Legree; a Case not in the Books
      11. XI. The Triumph of Justice over Law
      12. XII. A Comparison of the Roman Law of Slavery with the American
      13. XIII. The Men better than their Laws
      14. XIV. The Hebrew Slave Law compared with the American Slave Law
      15. XV. Slavery is Despotism
    4. Part III
      1. Chap. I. Does Public Opinion protect the Slave?
      2. II. Public Opinion formed by Education
      3. III. Separation of Families
      4. IV. The Slave-Trade
      5. V. Select Incidents of Lawful Trade, or Facts stranger than Fiction
      6. VI. The Edmondsons
      7. VII. The Case of Emily Russell
      8. VIII. Kidnapping
      9. IX. Slaves as they are, on Testimony of Owners
      10. X. Poor White Trash
    5. Part IV
      1. Chap. I. The Influence of the American Church on Slavery
      2. II. How The Churches regarded the Defence of Slavery
      3. III. Martyrdom
      4. IV. Servitude in the Primitive Church compared with American Slavery
      5. V. Teachings and Condition of the Apostles
      6. VI. Apostolic Teaching on Emancipation
      7. VII. Abolition of Slavery by Christianity
      8. VIII. Justice and Equity versus Slavery
      9. IX. Is the System of Religion which is taught the Slave the Gospel?
      10. X. What is to be Done?
  3. Bibliographical Account of Uncle Toim's Cabin


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