The Transgressive Iain Banks ...

«The Transgressive Iain Banks: Essays on a Writer Beyond Borders»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:


The Transgressive Iain Banks: Essays on a Writer Beyond Borders

Язык издания: английский

Составители: ,

Jefferson (NC): McFarland & Company, 2013 г. (июль)

ISBN: 978-0-7864-4225-6

Тип обложки: мягкая

Страниц: 275


  1. Katharine Cox, Martyn Colebrook, David Haddock. Introduction (статья)
  2. I. Scottish context
    1. David Pattie. The Lessons of Lanark: Iain Banks, Alasdair Gray and the Scottish Political Novel (эссе)
    2. Martyn Colebrook. Lanark and The Bridge: Narrating Scotland as Post-Industrial Space (эссе)
  3. II. Geographies
    1. James Kneale. «I have never been to Nasqueron»: A Geographer Reads Banks (эссе)
    2. Tim Middleton. Landscape and the Imagination: Banks' Representation of Argyll in The Crow Road (эссе)
    3. Bethan Jones. Imperfect Doubles: The Recasting of Place, Object and Character in the Dream Narratives of The Bridge (эссе)
  4. III. Genre
    1. Katharine Cox. Textual Crossings: Transgressive Devices in Banks' Fiction (эссе)
    2. Kristy A. MacDonald. «Still magic in the world»: Banks and the Psychosomatic Supernatural (эссе)
    3. Katharine Cox, Emily Garside. Teaching Banks: The Wasp Factory and Frankenstein (эссе)
  5. IV. Gender, games and play
    1. Sarah Falcus. Contesting Gender in The Wasp Factory, Whit and The Business (эссе)
    2. Will Slocombe. Games Playing Roles in Banks' Fiction (эссе)
    3. Joseph Norman. Digital Souls and Virtual Afterlives in the Culture Series (эссе)
    4. William Stephenson. «Hippies with mega nukes»: The Culture, Terror and the War Machine in Consider Phlebas and The Player of Games (эссе)
  6. Katharine Cox. Afterword (статья)
  7. Bibliography


На обложке: «Planet earth armageddon», «Neist Point, Scotland», «Sky» (iStockphoto/Thinkstock)

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