Foundation The Review Of ...

«Foundation: The Review Of Science Fiction #35 Winter 1985/1986»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


Foundation: The Review Of Science Fiction #35 Winter 1985/1986

Язык издания: английский

1986 г.

Тираж: не указан

Страниц: 104


  1. David Pringle. Editorial (произведение (прочее)), с. 3-4
  2. Features
    1. Edward James. The Historian and SF (статья), с. 5-13
    2. The Profession of Science Fiction, 33
      1. Bruce Sterling. Twisted for a Living (статья), с. 14-15
    3. Brian Stableford. Animal Spirits: The Erotic and the Supernatural in Michael Jackson's «Thriller» Video (статья), с. 16-23
    4. Decoding the Time Machine, 2
      1. Brian J. Burden. Across the Zodiac (статья), с. 23-29
    5. K. V. Bailey. Pawns, Puppets and the Worlds They Move Through (статья), с. 29-38
    6. Gregory Stephenson. J. G. Ballard: The Quest for an Ontological Eden (статья), с. 38-47
    7. Nina Berkova. New Names in Soviet Science Fiction (статья), с. 48-51
  3. Foundation Forum
    1. Richard A. Slaughter. Metafiction, Transcendence and the Extended Present: Three Keys to Post-Galactic SF (статья), с. 52-65
  4. Letters
    1. Gregory Benford. Letter: In response to Gavin Browning (статья), с. 66-66
    2. Sheila Finch. Letter: More response to Browning (статья), с. 66-67
    3. Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. Letter: On vampires and other things (статья), с. 67-68
    4. Robert A. W. Lowndes. Letter: On Hugo Gernsback (произведение (прочее)), с. 68-69
  5. Reviews
    1. Peter Caracciolo. Helliconia Summer and Helliconia Winter by Brian Aldiss (рецензия), с. 70-73
    2. M. John Harrison. Kiteworld by Keith Roberts (рецензия), с. 74-76
    3. Mary Gentle. West of Eden by Harry Harrison (рецензия), с. 76-79
    4. Douglas Barbour. Robots and Empire by Isaac Asimov (рецензия), с. 79-80
    5. George Hay. Null-A Three by A. E. van Vogt (рецензия), с. 80-84
    6. Kenny Mathieson. Heechee Rendezvous, The Merchants' War, The Years of the City by Frederik Pohl (рецензия), с. 84-87
    7. Gregory Feeley. The Man Who Melted by Jack Dann (рецензия), с. 87-89
    8. Donald M. Hassler. The Novels of Philip K. Dick by Kim Stanley Robinson (рецензия), с. 89-90
    9. Mark Gorton. Slow Learner by Thomas Pynchon (рецензия), с. 90-91
    10. Gregory Feeley. Isaac Asimov's Fantasy ed. Shawna McCarthy (рецензия), с. 92-94
    11. Donald M. Hassler. Age of Wonders: Exploring the World of Science Fiction by David G. Hartwell, Wonder's Child: My Life in Science Fiction by Jack Williamson (рецензия), с. 94-96
    12. Avedon Carol. Despatches from the Frontiers of the Female Mind ed. Jen Green and Sarah Lefanu (рецензия), с. 96-99
    13. Rachel Pollack. Free Live Free by Gene Wolfe (рецензия), с. 99-102
    14. Gregory Feeley. The Warrior Who Carried Life by Geoff Ryman (рецензия), с. 102-103


Размер журнала: 14,5 х21 см.

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