Isaac Asimov In Joy Still ...

Isaac Asimov «In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:

In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978

авторская книга, первое издание

Язык издания: английский

New York: Doubleday, 1980 г. (апрель)

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: 0-385-15544-1

Тип обложки: твёрдая + суперобложка

Формат: другой

Страниц: 840


Jacket photography by Alex Gotfryd. Jacket design by Robert Aulicino.

The second volume of formal autobiography from Asimov.


  1. Isaac Asimov. In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978 (документальное произведение)

    1. Introduction, c. vii-x
    2. Part I. Collision - and Out, c. 1-157
      1. 1. Pregnancy Again
      2. 2. Robyn
      3. 3. House-hunting
      4. 4. West Newton
      5. 5. Hiatus at School
      6. 6. New Department Head
      7. 7. Keefer
      8. 8. Job at Stake
      9. 9. Full-time Writer
      10. 10. One More Battle
    3. Part II. The Book Race, c. 159-334
      1. 11. Peace
      2. 12. Guide to Science
      3. 13. Back with Doubleday
      4. 14. A book for Each Year
      5. 15. Over the Top
      6. 16. Far over the Top
      7. 17. A Multiplicity of Books
      8. 18. World Book Year Book
      9. 19. Biographical Encyclopedia
      10. 20. Hugo and History
    4. Part III. Endlessly Broadening, c. 335-527
      1. 21. Changes of Editors
      2. 22. Fantastic Voyage I
      3. 23. Fantastic Voyage II
      4. 24. Second Hugo and Special Issue
      5. 25. "You Are the Field"
      6. 26. Asimovian Immodesties
      7. 27. Guide to Shakespeare
      8. 28. Approaching the Hundredth
      9. 29. Farewell to My Father
      10. 30. Two Books for Each Year
    5. Part IV. Breakup and Rebirth, c. 529-648
      1. 31. Back to New York
      2. 32. The Sensuous Dirty Old Man
      3. 33. The Gods Themselves
      4. 34. My Thyroid
      5. 35. Janet's Breast
      6. 36. Breadloaf and Statendam
      7. 37. Eclipse Cruise - Alone
    6. Part V. Ageless Love and Aging Heart, c. 649-798
      1. 38. Second Marriage
      2. 39. Great Britain
      3. 40. Park Ten
      4. 41. Murder at the ABA
      5. 42. Three Books for Each Year
      6. 43. Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine
      7. 44. Autobiography
      8. 45. Coronary
      9. 46. Recovery
    7. Appendix: Catalog of Books, c. 799-806
    8. Title Index, c. 807-815
    9. Title Index, c. 817-828


Размер книги: 16х24 см.

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