Isaac Asimov «In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978»
Isaac Asimov
In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978
авторская книга, первое издание
Язык издания: английский
New York: Doubleday, 1980 г. (апрель)
Тираж: не указан
ISBN: 0-385-15544-1
Тип обложки:
+ суперобложка
Формат: другой
Страниц: 840
Jacket photography by Alex Gotfryd. Jacket design by Robert Aulicino.
The second volume of formal autobiography from Asimov.
- Isaac Asimov. In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978 (документальное произведение)
- Introduction, c. vii-x
- Part I. Collision - and Out, c. 1-157
- 1. Pregnancy Again
- 2. Robyn
- 3. House-hunting
- 4. West Newton
- 5. Hiatus at School
- 6. New Department Head
- 7. Keefer
- 8. Job at Stake
- 9. Full-time Writer
- 10. One More Battle
- Part II. The Book Race, c. 159-334
- 11. Peace
- 12. Guide to Science
- 13. Back with Doubleday
- 14. A book for Each Year
- 15. Over the Top
- 16. Far over the Top
- 17. A Multiplicity of Books
- 18. World Book Year Book
- 19. Biographical Encyclopedia
- 20. Hugo and History
- Part III. Endlessly Broadening, c. 335-527
- 21. Changes of Editors
- 22. Fantastic Voyage I
- 23. Fantastic Voyage II
- 24. Second Hugo and Special Issue
- 25. "You Are the Field"
- 26. Asimovian Immodesties
- 27. Guide to Shakespeare
- 28. Approaching the Hundredth
- 29. Farewell to My Father
- 30. Two Books for Each Year
- Part IV. Breakup and Rebirth, c. 529-648
- 31. Back to New York
- 32. The Sensuous Dirty Old Man
- 33. The Gods Themselves
- 34. My Thyroid
- 35. Janet's Breast
- 36. Breadloaf and Statendam
- 37. Eclipse Cruise - Alone
- Part V. Ageless Love and Aging Heart, c. 649-798
- 38. Second Marriage
- 39. Great Britain
- 40. Park Ten
- 41. Murder at the ABA
- 42. Three Books for Each Year
- 43. Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine
- 44. Autobiography
- 45. Coronary
- 46. Recovery
- Appendix: Catalog of Books, c. 799-806
- Title Index, c. 807-815
- Title Index, c. 817-828
Размер книги: 16х24 см.
В книге есть вкладки ч/б фотографий на 12 листах.
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