Robert Foster The Complete ...

Robert Foster «The Complete Guide to Middle-Earth: From The Hobbit to The Silmarillion»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:

The Complete Guide to Middle-Earth: From The Hobbit to The Silmarillion

Язык издания: английский

New York: Ballantine Books, 1988 г.

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: 0-345-32436-6

Тип обложки: мягкая

Формат: другой

Страниц: 592


Cover by Greg Hildebrandt & Tim Hildebrandt .

Reissue (Ballantine 1978), non-fiction, reader’s guide to the places and names in J.R.R. Tolkien’s books in dictionary form. The 1978 edition was a revision of A Guide to Middle-Earth (Mirage Press 1971). Seventh printing.


  1. Robert Foster. The Complete Guide to Middle-Earth: From The Hobbit to The Silmarillion (энциклопедия/справочник)

    1. Introduction, c. ix-xiv
    2. Sources and Abbreviations, c. xv-xvi
    3. Complete Guide, c. 1-555
    4. Appendix A: A Chronology of the First Age, c. 557-564
    5. Appendix B: Genealogical Tables, c. 565-572
    6. Appendix C: Conversion of Page References to Houghton Mifflin Editions, c. 573-573
    7. About the Author, c. 575-575


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