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Антологии и сборники (2):

Фата-Моргана 9
1994 г.
Нечестивый город
2004 г.

Самиздат и фэнзины (1):

Цирк доктора Лао
2015 г.

Издания на иностранных языках (25):

The Circus of Dr Lao
1935 г.
The Unholy City
1937 г.
The Circus of Dr Lao
1948 г.
The Circus of Dr. Lao and Other Improbable Stories
1956 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1958
1958 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1958
1958 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1959
1959 г.
The Best American Short Stories 1959
1959 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1959
1959 г.
Fiction n° 63, février 1959
1959 г.
The Old China Hands
1961 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1961
1961 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Eleventh Series
1962 г.
Venture Science Fiction, December 1963
1963 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, 11th Series
1964 г.
The Circus of Dr. Lao
1964 г.
The Ghosts of Manacle
1964 г.
The Circus of Dr. Lao
1966 г.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, Eleventh Series
1966 г.
The Best from Fantasy & Science Fiction, Number 11
1966 г.
Rod Serling's Triple W: Witches, Warlocks and Werewolves
1967 г.
The Unholy City
1968 г.
The Unholy City
1976 г.
The Circus of Dr. Lao
1983 г.
The Magician Out of Manchuria
1989 г.

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