fantlab ru

Авторские книги (2):

Земная кровь
1995 г.
Земная кровь
2001 г.

Антологии и сборники (2):

1973 г.
Земная кровь
2002 г.

Периодика (1):

Знание — сила № 8, 1972
1972 г.

Самиздат и фэнзины (1):

Долгие сумерки
2022 г.

Издания на иностранных языках (23):

Galaxy Magazine, September 1958
1958 г.
Galaxy Magazine, December 1959
1959 г.
If, July 1959
1959 г.
Fantastic Universe, November 1959
1959 г.
If, February 1959
1959 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1959
1959 г.
Star Science Fiction Stories No. 5
1959 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1960
1960 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1960
1960 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1961
1961 г.
The 6th Annual of the Year’s Best SF
1961 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1961
1961 г.
The Sixth Galaxy Reader
1962 г.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1962
1962 г.
A Handful of Time
1963 г.
If, April 1966
1966 г.
If, May 1966
1966 г.
If, June 1966
1966 г.
If, July 1966
1966 г.
Once and Future Tales from the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
1968 г.
Star Science Fiction Stories No. 5
1972 г.
Earthblood and Other Stories
2012 г.
The Future Is Female!
2018 г.

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