Работы художника Ж Вирса

Художник — Жак Вирс

Ж. Вирса
Страна: Франция
Родился: 1938 г.

Jacques wyrs born in Berlin in 1938. He lived in Karlsruhe from 1948 to 1956, where he took courses in painting at the Art Academy for several years beginning at the age of sixteen. When he was eighteen, Wyrs made his first visit to Paris in 1956 and moved there the following year. From 1958 to 1976 Wyrs traveled widely in Europe, Asia Minor, Africa and the United States. Wyrs artwork has been exhibited in many countries, including Great Britain, Spain, Germany, Brazil, France, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Turkey, USA, Netherlands, Belgium. Wyrs died in 1988 and his life's work includes more than 4OO pieces, mostly paintings.

Издания не на русском языке (3)


Le Dieu fou
1973 г.
The Reefs of Space
1973 г.
Rogue Star
1973 г.

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