Those Who Can A Science ...

«Those Who Can: A Science Fiction Reader»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:


Those Who Can: A Science Fiction Reader

Язык издания: английский


New York: St. Martin's Griffin, 1996 г. (апрель)

ISBN: 0-312-14139-4, 978-0-312-14139-4

Тип обложки: мягкая

Страниц: 348


Twelve short stories and novella accompanied by critical essays discussing development are provided by accomplished science fiction writers.


  1. Robin Scott Wilson. Introduction: To the Reader (эссе), p. xi
  2. Plot:
    1. Robin Scott Wilson. The Tangled Web (эссе), p. 1
    2. Jack Williamson. Jamboree (рассказ), p. 3
    3. Jack Williamson. Plotting «Jamboree» (эссе), p. 12
    4. Samuel R. Delany. We, in Some Strange Power’s Employ, Move on a Rigorous Line (повесть), p. 18
    5. Samuel R. Delany. Thickening the Plot (эссе), p. 70
  3. Character:
    1. Robin Scott Wilson. The Determinant of Incident (эссе), p. 79
    2. Daniel Keyes. Crazy Maro (рассказ), p. 81
    3. Daniel Keyes. How Much Does a Character Cost? (эссе), p. 101
    4. Harlan Ellison. Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes (рассказ), p. 104
    5. Harlan Ellison. Whore with a Heart of Iron Pyrites: or, Where Does a Writer Go to Find a Maggie? (эссе), p. 123
  4. Setting:
    1. Robin Scott Wilson. A Local Habitation and a Name (эссе), p. 135
    2. Joanna Russ. The Man Who Could Not See Devils (рассказ), p. 137
    3. Joanna Russ. On Setting (эссе), p. 149
    4. Robert Silverberg. Sundance (рассказ), p. 154
    5. Robert Silverberg. Introduction to «Sundance» (эссе), p. 169
  5. Theme:
    1. Robin Scott Wilson. To Mean Intensely (эссе), p. 177
    2. Ursula K. Le Guin. Nine Lives (рассказ), p. 179
    3. Ursula K. Le Guin. On Theme (эссе), p. 203
    4. Damon Knight. An Annotated «Masks» (эссе), p. 209
    5. Damon Knight. Masks (рассказ), p. 212
  6. Point of View:
    1. Robin Scott Wilson. Who's Minding the Store (эссе), p. 233
    2. Kate Wilhelm. The Planners (рассказ), p. 235
    3. Kate Wilhelm. On Point of View (эссе), p. 250
    4. Robin Scott Wilson. For a While There, Herbert Marcuse, I Thought You Were Maybe Right About Alienation and Eros (рассказ), p. 255
    5. Robin Scott Wilson. Point of View: The Quick-Change Artist in the Type (эссе), p. 269
  7. Style:
    1. Robin Scott Wilson. The Dress of Thought (эссе), p. 275
    2. James E. Gunn. Robert MacDonald — 2025 (рассказ), p. 277
    3. James E. Gunn. On Style (статья), p. 303
    4. Frederik Pohl. Grandy Devil (рассказ), p. 312
    5. Frederik Pohl. Day Million (рассказ), p. 318
    6. Frederik Pohl. On Velocity Exercises (статья), p. 323


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