The Magazine of Fantasy ...

«The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, March 1994»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, March 1994

Язык издания: английский

1994 г. (март)

Страниц: 164


Cover art by Bryn Barnard.


  1. Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Editorial (эссе), p. 6
  2. Dave Smeds. A Marathon Runner in the Human Race (рассказ), p. 9
  3. Cartoon: "Jacoby is new in the business". Interior artwork by Arthur Masear, p. 25
  4. Gregory Benford. Doing Alien (рассказ), p. 26
  5. Charles Platt. Inside Science Fiction: Trading data with dead and digital (эссе), p. 33
  6. Cartoon: "Your computers are down? Maybe I can help". Interior artwork by Frank Hauser, p. 39
  7. Gary Couzens. Second Contact (рассказ), p. 40
  8. Bruce Sterling. Spires on the Skyline (эссе), p. 54
  9. James Morrow. Director's Cut (пьеса), p. 65
  10. Esther Friesner. Two Lovers, Two Gods, and a Fable (рассказ), p. 72
  11. Cartoon: "This is our last date, Ed. I'm sorry, but apparently my unicorn fetish is a teenage phase I've outgrown". Interior artwork by Henry Martin, p. 81
  12. Carrie Richerson. Sous La Mer (рассказ), p. 82
  13. Kathi Maio. Films: Too Many Ghosts (эссе), p. 91
  14. Susan Wade. The Convertible Coven (рассказ), p. 96
  15. Felicity Savage. Brixtow White Lady (рассказ), p. 114
  16. Carolyn Ives Gilman. The Wild Ships of Fairny (рассказ), p. 131
  17. Coming Attractions, p. 162

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