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Статья написана 8 декабря 2008 г. 12:35

После долго ожидания — очередная статья от создателей A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying


"Sorcery is a sword without a hilt. There is no safe way to grasp it."

--The Horned Lord

Magic has all but vanished from the world. The Children of the Forest are no more. Priests perform no miracles. The dark arts of necromancy no longer function, and even the pyromancers have lost much of their lore, reducing them to mere shadows of their past greatness. Magic has passed into legend and myth, alive only in the superstitious imaginings of the smallfolk . . . or has it?

From the opening pages of A Game of Thrones, it's clear magic has returned to Westeros. Its effects are subtle at first, but as the books march on, stranger and stranger events occur. The Red Woman gives birth to hideous black shadows. Dragons live in the world once more. The dead walk the snowy north, and ancient relics of power have been unearthed from the vaults of the dead. Old spells woven into ice and stone grow in strength, priests find new power in their gods, and pyromancers recover secrets and powers long since lost. Magic may have entered its decline with the Doom of Valyria, but it has returned to the world once more, perhaps as a trickle, but there can be no doubt that it will soon become a flood.

Статья написана 29 сентября 2008 г. 16:28

The rules in A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying are designed around a specific play style—but one that supports a broad range of tastes and interests. The noble house provides an excellent unifying element and offers opportunities for schemers and warriors alike, and can serve just about any kind of saga from warfare to intrigue and everything in between.

However, the world of Westeros is a big place, with many different stories to tell. The following alternate play styles are presented in the game as options for different kinds of stories, along with the necessary changes to facilitate these styles.


Although possessed of many unique characteristics, SIFRP is a fantasy roleplaying game—and one in which there is opportunity aplenty for the more traditional themes of exploration, high adventure, and quests employed by certain other games in this genre. Rather than explore the fortunes of a noble house, you can alter the tone of the game to support characters of a variety of origins, uniting them through some other common purpose, namely high adventure.

Статья написана 5 сентября 2008 г. 12:32

Цитата из обзорной статьи Маккавити по ролевой игре "7th sea":

И, наконец, Уссура. Суровая Россия до петровских реформ, с боярами, тройками, цыганами и опричниками, управляемая бешеным Ильей Грозным. Впридачу страна находится под мистическим покровительством сущности, именуемой "матУшка" и являющей собой нечто среднее между бабой-ягой Дедом-Морозом и такой-то матерью. В результате известна еще и тем, что все попытки ее завоевать заканчивались тем, что через две недели вражеская армия замерзала — вне зависимости от времени года

Сама статья находится тут. Правила же ролевки, переведенные на русский язык, можно скачать тут, если кого заинтересует.

Тэги: RPG
Статья написана 29 августа 2008 г. 13:26

Обложка для основной книги правил по SIFRP.

Статья написана 26 августа 2008 г. 14:26

Продолжаю транслировать блог дизайнера ролевого воплощения "Саги льда и пламени" Джорджа Мартина.

"Words are like arrows... Once loosed, you cannot call them back."

—Doran Martell

Ser Jaime Lannister Adult Fighter




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